Customs and Border Protection and Plant Protection and Quarantine personnel to ensure appropriate and consistent handling of regulated garbage at U.S. The Phytosanitary Issues Management (PIM) unit facilitates and negotiates, through the use of scientifically based processes, the safe export and import of agricultural commodities.ĪPHIS collaborates with officials in U.S. International Products Export Regulations (IREGs)īiotechnology Import and Export InformationĪPHIS' Biotechnology Regulatory Services (BRS) requires a permit or notification for the import of certain genetically engineered organisms.International Animal Export Regulations (IREGs).Publications - Import Information What are you EXPORTING FROM the United States? Importing Dogs into the United States for Resale (including Adoption) Regulations.State Regulations and Import Requirements.This web site contains an alphabetized list of Plant Protection and Quarantine manuals in electronic format and the Agricultural Commodity Import Requirements (ACIR) online database. What are you IMPORTING INTO the United States? agricultural products worth billions of dollars annually. APHIS played a direct role in opening new markets and retaining and expanding existing market access for U.S. They build relationships with their agricultural health and regulatory counterparts in other countries and use scientific principles to make the case for American agricultural exports, explaining to foreign officials why U.S. APHIS' team of technical experts, based in the United States and abroad, includes scientists, veterinarians, pathologists, and entomologists that advocate on behalf of U.S. APHIS makes sure that all imported agricultural products shipped to the United States from abroad meet the Agency's entry requirements to exclude pests and diseases of agriculture.ĪPHIS also keeps export markets open for American agricultural products by working to eliminate unjustified sanitary or phytosanitary (SPS) barriers - that is, concerns involving plant and animal health - raised by U.S.

agricultural and food products shipped to markets abroad meet the importing countries' entry requirements. agricultural industries free from pests and diseases and certifying that the millions of U.S. APHIS plays a vital role in ensuring the free flow of agricultural trade by keeping U.S.