To change the order, drag the signatures in the list until they are in the order you want. To have Mail insert each of your signatures in order, choose In Sequential Order. To have Mail randomly select a signature, choose In Random Order. Choose None if you don’t want a signature to appear automatically. Use the Choose Signature pop-up menu to choose the default signature for the account.You can also drag a picture or a vCard file to your signature. Select to add a new signature.In the Signature editor, type the text that you want to include in your signature. When you add formatting, your signature becomes rich text. On the Outlook menu, select Preferences.Under Email, select Signatures.Double-click Untitled, and then type a name for the signature you created.

Select “Always match my default message font” or use the Format menu to change the font, color, style, and alignment of your signature text.Select any part of the default signature that you don’t want to use and enter your own text.Mail creates a default signature for you. Click the Add (+) button and enter a description for the signature.If you have more than one email account, select the account you want to create a signature for from the list on the left.Choose Mail, Preferences and click Signatures.Some users also use the signature to personalize their emails by including a favorite quote. In the meantime, the aforementioned workarounds are your best bet.A signature is text that appears at the bottom of your emails and is often used to include contact information. As and when that happens, we will update this guide accordingly.
As far as the official stance on this matter is concerned, the developers are aware of this issue, but they haven’t given out any ETA for the rollout of a fix.

These were the two different methods to fix the issue of missing signature in MS Outlook on Mac.